Friday, July 31, 2015

We Got This...Right?

So you’ve graduated college. Now you should be prepared to be in the “real world” and know everything there is to know about being an adult, right? I don’t know about other recently graduated individuals, but I know that when it comes to knowing how to adult, I’m far from having it down. All I’ve ever known is how to be a student, to learn, to observe, and honestly how to just screw around. One day maybe I’ll know exactly how to do my taxes, how the stock market works, and what jobs give me the best security. Right now, I’ll settle for someone who hires me despite the fact that I don’t have two plus years of experience because I’ve spent nearly my entire life in school.

    As a recent college grad, sometimes it’s hard to navigate where I’m supposed to be in life. I haven’t landed a job yet, and although it hasn’t been that long since I’ve been out of school, I still don’t feel as accomplished as I would like. Job aside, there are so many things that come with growing up, and it can be difficult to know exactly what those things are until we are faced with them in our own lives. This blog will be my journey through adulthood and where ever that might lead me.

    In the past year, I have learned a lot about myself and a lot about growing up as I studied abroad in Italy and traveled around Europe. Life changing events like this can make you stop and think about who you really are and what you actually want out of life. As for me, I want nothing less than to seek out adventure in all that I do, to chose the life that I love and never let anything get in my way, and to cherish what I have and not dwell on what I don’t. Saying this is all well and good, but sometimes, it can be difficult to not let our emotions cloud our judgement. For instance, as much as I embrace being a strong and independent woman, I can admit that this path can be lonely at times. As great as I am at being alone, I don’t want to be doing it forever, and that desire has only grown with age.

    Being a woman in today’s society, there are so many things thrown at us through social media, television, and other individuals in our lives that can mold or skew our perspectives of what we want or what we should be. Shows like Say Yes To The Dress, the myriad of wedding posts on Pinterest, and people you know getting engaged every other day on Facebook causes us women, especially those of us without a significant other, to not only long for those fairytale wedding moments, but at the same time makes us feel inadequate about what we don’t have in our own lives. Let’s be honest, we all want to be loved and we all want to be able to have our special moments, but the truth is, it doesn’t happen all the time, especially with half of marriages ending in divorce these days. It can be difficult to be a young and independent woman in this day and age, no matter how much #Girlboss support there is out there now.

    Dealing with things like this is just a part of being an adult and trying to do it right. Honestly, there is probably no right way to adult, but then again, how would I know? I’m only getting started.

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