Friday, November 6, 2015

Enjoy The Little Things

There are so many magical and exciting things happening in your twenties, big and small, why wouldn’t you take the time to appreciate them? I’m in this place in my life where I don’t have everything together. I don’t have my dream job, my own place, my dream car, or my dream guy. The thing is though, I’m good with it, because right now is not the time for any of that. Right now is the time for me to get it together and start building towards all those dreams. And while I’m beyond excited for the day I get to have all of those dreams realized, I’m also perfectly happy with the life I’m living in the meantime.

For instance, a few days ago, I went on a date with myself and it was one of the best nights I’d had in a while. I went to the movies, got some dinner, had a glass of wine, and it was absolutely lovely. I’ve come to realize that I truly love being in my own company and I think this is the biggest little thing to enjoy. Some people hate being alone, can’t stand the silence, or don’t know themselves enough to love being alone, but that’s simply not me. I’ve always considered myself an independent person, but it wasn’t until this past year or so that I’ve learned to know my mind as well as I do now and to listen to myself more earnestly. It can be a long process getting to know, accepting and loving yourself, but it is so worth it. Of course I enjoy the company of others as well, and I do hope there will be someone I can share my life with in the near future, but in the meantime it is comforting to be happy in my own company.

This time in life can be a struggle to find out who you really are or what you really want and that’s okay because that’s what your twenties are for. There are so many ups and downs, but the important thing to remember is to not dwell on the downs, but to learn and grow from them and enjoy the ride of the ups as much as possible. I’ve been through a streak of bad luck lately, but I’m not going to let it define me or distract me from what I really want out of life. Everything I’ve been through in my life, good and bad, has given me perspective and either lessons learned or fond memories.

Some of the best advice I got from one of my college professors was that nothing bad can ever happen to a writer, it is all just material. That is the way I choose to look at my mistakes and my hard times. There are so many unknowns about being in our twenties, but that doesn’t mean we have to get down on ourselves because of it. We need to realize our potential and always be working towards our goals because one day we will reach them and be so grateful that we didn’t give up on ourselves. So breathe, take life as it comes, and remember to enjoy the little things.