Tuesday, January 26, 2016

The Waiting Game

Being in your twenties can often seem like an endless waiting game. Waiting for the right job, for the right relationship, for that Uber ride when you’re leaving the bar a few too many drinks later. We’re all just waiting for our “real” lives to start, but the trouble is, this is part of real life. It’s sort of a catch twenty-two though, or at least it feels that way. We want enjoy what we have now, but we also want to have it all figured out. It’s hard though because we can’t seem to move forward until we get that job or that apartment or whatever it is that we’re waiting for, making the now that much less enticing to us.

For me, being out of school, there’s not much to focus on between temp jobs. I have far too much time on my hands and I’m filled with thoughts of the future, what I want it to look like, what it could look like. People always say to live in the present, and I completely agree that this is the best way to live, but sometimes the present isn’t what we want for ourselves and we can’t help but day dream about a better future. The only thing I know for sure is that all I can do is work towards that future. Although it’s a giant waiting game right now, one day it won’t be and when that day comes I know it will be a direct result of my current efforts.

One of the only comforts I have is knowing that most college graduates have this problem after graduation, because it is just such a competitive job market right now, especially for creative types. I’ve talked to so many people about this and they all say it just takes time and eventually it will happen. There’s no changing the facts of the waiting game, all you can do is enjoy the good things you do have while waiting for what you really want. It’s not the most fun part about being in your twenties, but not all parts of life can be fun, and that’s okay.

Eventually is one of my least favorite words currently, but unfortunately it is the only thing that gives me hope for the future. Eventually there will be the right job, the right person, the right moment. We just have to believe that it will get better, things always happen in waves, and right now the tide is low. Nothing is ever all bad though, there is good in every day, we just have to find it and hold onto it in the mean time while we continuously play the waiting game.