Tuesday, September 15, 2015

5 Ways To Channel Your Inner Tiger


Because if you’re not living life like a tiger, what’s the point? 


I’ve had tigers on the brain for a few days now, since I’ve started to write a short story about an imaginary one, and also because I like to think they are my true spirit animal. Unlike my imaginary tiger, these majestic creatures are not to be trifled with. I started thinking about all the reasons I love tigers and I realized it’s because they are everything I aspire to be; strong, fierce, and fearless. Here’s how we could all channel our inner tiger.

1. Be Fierce 

Tigers above all are fierce creatures, always protecting their own and never backing down. They are at the top of their food chain and every other animal knows and respects this. Just by looking at a tiger, you know it’s powerful and dangerous, which only adds to its beauty. This is the number one reason I feel such a kindredness with tigers and I always strive to be fierce, a force to be reckoned with. Never tone down your fierceness for anyone and never let your confidence waver, a tiger certainly never would.

2. Be Independent 

Tigers are naturally solitary creatures. It is very rare to see tigers traveling in packs because they can fend for themselves. As an only child, I am in love with my alone time and wouldn’t give it up for anything. As important as my friends and family are in my life, I have always relied on me to get myself through everything. Being independent is one of the most important traits to have in such a harsh world as ours. You have to know that the only one you can truly depend on is yourself. Tigers are sure of themselves which is why they do so well alone. If you have you, you don’t have to worry.

3. Be Fearless 

There’s not much that frightens a tiger, as they are the ones to be feared. Tigers go into just about any situation fearlessly because they know when it comes down to it, they will prevail simply because they’re that awesome. This is the way I always want to be. Obviously as humans, we have a lot to be afraid of in life, but one of my biggest mottos is if it scares you, it is probably worth doing. Step into the unknown with the heart of a tiger and you can face anything.

4. Be A Fighter

Because tigers are at the top of their food chain, they will fight and eat just about any other animal out there. They are born fighters with their strength and agility, and they don’t often lose their battles. In life, we have to fight for everything we want, wether it be professionally, socially, or personally. Everyone has something worth fighting for and if we channel our inner tiger, we can win over the obstacles that stand in our way. When things get hard, don’t back down because you can’t win if you don’t fight.

5. Be Strong 

Strength is a tiger’s most important quality, it’s basically the reason they are the hunters and not the hunted. Fun fact: although they prefer to use their sharp teeth to rip apart their prey, a tiger can crush the skull of a bear with the swipe of one paw. I’m not saying we should go around crushing skulls, but if we had a tiger’s strength inside of us, imagine how powerful we could be. Life is often unkind and brutal, but being strong enough to handle it is what’s important. Even if you don’t feel strong, the will to push on through the pain is that strength. In the darkest times in my life, strength is the main reason why I channel my inner tiger as much as I can. It reminds me that I’m stronger than I know and capable of handling anything the world throws my way. So take it from me, life is better when you find your inner tiger and stay fierce!

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