Monday, October 19, 2015

Nothing Gold Can Stay

I’ve learned recently that nothing can last forever, and unfortunately I had to learn this the hard way. About two weeks ago, I crashed my first car on the 118 coming home from work. Luckily I was the only one involved in the accident and even luckier, after spinning out from one side of the freeway to the other and hitting the railing, I was unharmed. My car however did not have the same luck; it was totaled.

After assessing that I was alright, I forgot for a little bit to be grateful for my health and was just devastated by the loss of my first car. Now I know that everyone has to lose their first car at some point, but I never thought mine would be after only three months. I loved my Toyota Celica so much, and losing it that soon was heartbreaking in the moment and the days that followed. Now that I’ve had some time to really sit with what happened, I’ve accepted it and I know that some things just aren’t meant to last.

I believe that everything happens for a reason, and considering how lucky I am to be alive and physically unharmed by this accident, I believe that there was a huge lesson in this unfortunate situation for me as a new driver. I can own up to the fact that this accident was entirely my own fault, and because of that I know I will be a much more cautious driver from now on. As much as I miss my car, I know it can be replaced, but my life can’t.

Along with taking the gift of life and health more seriously, I’ve really been thinking about the fragility of life and my place in this world. Near-death experiences have a way of showing us just how important certain things are in our lives. This life is short and fleeting, which is why we have to make the most of everything we possibly can; we have to make our lives count for something. That said, it’s scary thinking that you are meant to do something important or great with your life because when your dreams and goals are so big, it is infinitely easier to fail. It’s easy to wonder and imagine what your future might be, but it’s another thing to actively do something to make this a reality.

This is just another part of growing up and being an adult. We have to know that somethings are out of our control, sometimes we make mistakes, and when bad things happen we need to be able to forgive ourselves. I believe that everyone’s life has a path, but it is hardly ever a straight path. Even though loss is a natural part of life, the fact that nothing can last forever is never an easy lesson to learn. Life is messy and full of heartache, but getting through the hard parts is what makes us strong, and that strength allows us to keep going, to push on, and do what needs to be done to make this life all it can be.