Tuesday, January 26, 2016

The Waiting Game

Being in your twenties can often seem like an endless waiting game. Waiting for the right job, for the right relationship, for that Uber ride when you’re leaving the bar a few too many drinks later. We’re all just waiting for our “real” lives to start, but the trouble is, this is part of real life. It’s sort of a catch twenty-two though, or at least it feels that way. We want enjoy what we have now, but we also want to have it all figured out. It’s hard though because we can’t seem to move forward until we get that job or that apartment or whatever it is that we’re waiting for, making the now that much less enticing to us.

For me, being out of school, there’s not much to focus on between temp jobs. I have far too much time on my hands and I’m filled with thoughts of the future, what I want it to look like, what it could look like. People always say to live in the present, and I completely agree that this is the best way to live, but sometimes the present isn’t what we want for ourselves and we can’t help but day dream about a better future. The only thing I know for sure is that all I can do is work towards that future. Although it’s a giant waiting game right now, one day it won’t be and when that day comes I know it will be a direct result of my current efforts.

One of the only comforts I have is knowing that most college graduates have this problem after graduation, because it is just such a competitive job market right now, especially for creative types. I’ve talked to so many people about this and they all say it just takes time and eventually it will happen. There’s no changing the facts of the waiting game, all you can do is enjoy the good things you do have while waiting for what you really want. It’s not the most fun part about being in your twenties, but not all parts of life can be fun, and that’s okay.

Eventually is one of my least favorite words currently, but unfortunately it is the only thing that gives me hope for the future. Eventually there will be the right job, the right person, the right moment. We just have to believe that it will get better, things always happen in waves, and right now the tide is low. Nothing is ever all bad though, there is good in every day, we just have to find it and hold onto it in the mean time while we continuously play the waiting game.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Enjoy The Little Things

There are so many magical and exciting things happening in your twenties, big and small, why wouldn’t you take the time to appreciate them? I’m in this place in my life where I don’t have everything together. I don’t have my dream job, my own place, my dream car, or my dream guy. The thing is though, I’m good with it, because right now is not the time for any of that. Right now is the time for me to get it together and start building towards all those dreams. And while I’m beyond excited for the day I get to have all of those dreams realized, I’m also perfectly happy with the life I’m living in the meantime.

For instance, a few days ago, I went on a date with myself and it was one of the best nights I’d had in a while. I went to the movies, got some dinner, had a glass of wine, and it was absolutely lovely. I’ve come to realize that I truly love being in my own company and I think this is the biggest little thing to enjoy. Some people hate being alone, can’t stand the silence, or don’t know themselves enough to love being alone, but that’s simply not me. I’ve always considered myself an independent person, but it wasn’t until this past year or so that I’ve learned to know my mind as well as I do now and to listen to myself more earnestly. It can be a long process getting to know, accepting and loving yourself, but it is so worth it. Of course I enjoy the company of others as well, and I do hope there will be someone I can share my life with in the near future, but in the meantime it is comforting to be happy in my own company.

This time in life can be a struggle to find out who you really are or what you really want and that’s okay because that’s what your twenties are for. There are so many ups and downs, but the important thing to remember is to not dwell on the downs, but to learn and grow from them and enjoy the ride of the ups as much as possible. I’ve been through a streak of bad luck lately, but I’m not going to let it define me or distract me from what I really want out of life. Everything I’ve been through in my life, good and bad, has given me perspective and either lessons learned or fond memories.

Some of the best advice I got from one of my college professors was that nothing bad can ever happen to a writer, it is all just material. That is the way I choose to look at my mistakes and my hard times. There are so many unknowns about being in our twenties, but that doesn’t mean we have to get down on ourselves because of it. We need to realize our potential and always be working towards our goals because one day we will reach them and be so grateful that we didn’t give up on ourselves. So breathe, take life as it comes, and remember to enjoy the little things.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Nothing Gold Can Stay

I’ve learned recently that nothing can last forever, and unfortunately I had to learn this the hard way. About two weeks ago, I crashed my first car on the 118 coming home from work. Luckily I was the only one involved in the accident and even luckier, after spinning out from one side of the freeway to the other and hitting the railing, I was unharmed. My car however did not have the same luck; it was totaled.

After assessing that I was alright, I forgot for a little bit to be grateful for my health and was just devastated by the loss of my first car. Now I know that everyone has to lose their first car at some point, but I never thought mine would be after only three months. I loved my Toyota Celica so much, and losing it that soon was heartbreaking in the moment and the days that followed. Now that I’ve had some time to really sit with what happened, I’ve accepted it and I know that some things just aren’t meant to last.

I believe that everything happens for a reason, and considering how lucky I am to be alive and physically unharmed by this accident, I believe that there was a huge lesson in this unfortunate situation for me as a new driver. I can own up to the fact that this accident was entirely my own fault, and because of that I know I will be a much more cautious driver from now on. As much as I miss my car, I know it can be replaced, but my life can’t.

Along with taking the gift of life and health more seriously, I’ve really been thinking about the fragility of life and my place in this world. Near-death experiences have a way of showing us just how important certain things are in our lives. This life is short and fleeting, which is why we have to make the most of everything we possibly can; we have to make our lives count for something. That said, it’s scary thinking that you are meant to do something important or great with your life because when your dreams and goals are so big, it is infinitely easier to fail. It’s easy to wonder and imagine what your future might be, but it’s another thing to actively do something to make this a reality.

This is just another part of growing up and being an adult. We have to know that somethings are out of our control, sometimes we make mistakes, and when bad things happen we need to be able to forgive ourselves. I believe that everyone’s life has a path, but it is hardly ever a straight path. Even though loss is a natural part of life, the fact that nothing can last forever is never an easy lesson to learn. Life is messy and full of heartache, but getting through the hard parts is what makes us strong, and that strength allows us to keep going, to push on, and do what needs to be done to make this life all it can be.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Embrace The New

I’ve been thinking a lot about how new opportunities walk into our lives and how we react to them. For me, as someone who just stepped into the “real” world, there are so many new things to be discovered. This can be a nerve-racking experience, but it can also be very exciting. There is still so much I have to experience in this life, I’m just getting started. And that’s the thing, I don’t know what to expect because I’ve never been here before, but it’s how I deal with these new changes and opportunities that matter. I want to embrace them with an open mind and an open heart because there’s a chance that one of them could change my life.

Along with new job opportunities presenting themselves, I’ve also met a lot of new people recently. This has been refreshing and also eye opening to the people that walk in and out of our lives at different times. A while back, people told me that the friends you have early on in life will most likely not last. Now, in high school I had a very close-knit group of friends who I thought was always going to be a part of my life, but after graduating college, I realized I don’t talk to most of them anymore. We want to believe that the people we cherish will be with us long term, but the truth is people move on, they grow apart, and their lives can just be on completely different paths. Coming to terms with this realization was hard, it’s never fun losing friends, but I guess at the end of the day, it’s not so much about losing friends as it is finding out who your true friends really are, whether they be old or new.

Having new people in your life is much like starting anything new. You don’t really know what you’re getting into until you’ve been in it for a while. You have all these thoughts on what it could be, what it might be, but you don’t actually know until you really start to get to know them. However, just because we don’t know how something is going to turn out, doesn’t mean we shouldn't give it a chance. We should be excited about the prospects life has brought to us and just go with it because like I said, one opportunity that walks into your life could change it forever. If a door is open to you, why not walk through it, because you never know what’s on the other side until you do.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

5 Ways To Channel Your Inner Tiger


Because if you’re not living life like a tiger, what’s the point? 


I’ve had tigers on the brain for a few days now, since I’ve started to write a short story about an imaginary one, and also because I like to think they are my true spirit animal. Unlike my imaginary tiger, these majestic creatures are not to be trifled with. I started thinking about all the reasons I love tigers and I realized it’s because they are everything I aspire to be; strong, fierce, and fearless. Here’s how we could all channel our inner tiger.

1. Be Fierce 

Tigers above all are fierce creatures, always protecting their own and never backing down. They are at the top of their food chain and every other animal knows and respects this. Just by looking at a tiger, you know it’s powerful and dangerous, which only adds to its beauty. This is the number one reason I feel such a kindredness with tigers and I always strive to be fierce, a force to be reckoned with. Never tone down your fierceness for anyone and never let your confidence waver, a tiger certainly never would.

2. Be Independent 

Tigers are naturally solitary creatures. It is very rare to see tigers traveling in packs because they can fend for themselves. As an only child, I am in love with my alone time and wouldn’t give it up for anything. As important as my friends and family are in my life, I have always relied on me to get myself through everything. Being independent is one of the most important traits to have in such a harsh world as ours. You have to know that the only one you can truly depend on is yourself. Tigers are sure of themselves which is why they do so well alone. If you have you, you don’t have to worry.

3. Be Fearless 

There’s not much that frightens a tiger, as they are the ones to be feared. Tigers go into just about any situation fearlessly because they know when it comes down to it, they will prevail simply because they’re that awesome. This is the way I always want to be. Obviously as humans, we have a lot to be afraid of in life, but one of my biggest mottos is if it scares you, it is probably worth doing. Step into the unknown with the heart of a tiger and you can face anything.

4. Be A Fighter

Because tigers are at the top of their food chain, they will fight and eat just about any other animal out there. They are born fighters with their strength and agility, and they don’t often lose their battles. In life, we have to fight for everything we want, wether it be professionally, socially, or personally. Everyone has something worth fighting for and if we channel our inner tiger, we can win over the obstacles that stand in our way. When things get hard, don’t back down because you can’t win if you don’t fight.

5. Be Strong 

Strength is a tiger’s most important quality, it’s basically the reason they are the hunters and not the hunted. Fun fact: although they prefer to use their sharp teeth to rip apart their prey, a tiger can crush the skull of a bear with the swipe of one paw. I’m not saying we should go around crushing skulls, but if we had a tiger’s strength inside of us, imagine how powerful we could be. Life is often unkind and brutal, but being strong enough to handle it is what’s important. Even if you don’t feel strong, the will to push on through the pain is that strength. In the darkest times in my life, strength is the main reason why I channel my inner tiger as much as I can. It reminds me that I’m stronger than I know and capable of handling anything the world throws my way. So take it from me, life is better when you find your inner tiger and stay fierce!

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Do Not Worry

Because life after college can often hold uncertainty for most of us, it’s hard not to worry about where we will be employed in the future, or how we will make our money and how much, or who we will spend our time with down the road. Although we know worrying cannot solve anything, it is a constant burden for us. But that’s just the point. None of us can know the future and what it holds for any one of us. We must live life in the now and accept that the future is beyond our grasp.

Today, I had my first job interview. It went well, but as it’s only preliminary, it didn’t do much in the way of boosting my confidence. When I got home from the long traffic-filled drive to downtown LA and back, I absentmindedly scrolled through my Instagram feed, and came across a Bible verse. “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” –Matthew 6:34 This passage was exactly what I needed to hear today. I know a lot of people aren’t religious, but I think this speaks to anyone and everyone who worries about what tomorrow will bring, how they will provide for themselves or their loved ones, and anything else they are unsure of.
Call it the universe, or fate, destiny, or God, but I think if I were to ask, most people would say that they believe the future will work itself out, one way or another. Whatever happens in our lives, the earth will still turn and life will go on, no matter what events or choices present themselves in the process or how much we worry about them. In the midst of worrying though, it’s hard to remember that tomorrow will take care of itself. Because I have my faith, I can rely on God to provide for me, even if it’s not in the way I expect. I know not everyone has that same belief, but it’s better to have faith in something than spend my time worrying about the things I can’t possibly know.
Today, I needed to be reminded to take a breath and let tomorrow be tomorrow. Of course, I do want to do my part in taking the right steps towards my future, but in the end nothing is up to me. My life has a path, and I cannot know where it will lead or what is along the road, but I know that it can’t ever stop. Life is inevitable, we might as well live it to the fullest in the present. So if you’re troubled about what your future will be, don’t because tomorrow will take care of itself and each day has enough trouble of it’s own.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Job Application Jitters

What’s the biggest goal for a recent college graduate? To get a job! This is the most important and most daunting task in front of those of us trying to enter into the adult world. Over the past several weeks, I have been applying to jobs left and right, just praying someone will give me at least an interview. As an English major with less than 2+ years of experience in my desired field, it’s hard to get a company to notice you, among the myriad of other people applying for the same position. Sometimes it seems unfair that your experience doesn’t add up to a company’s expectations simply because education has been your main source of experience.
Another problem I’ve come across is that many of the jobs and internships I am qualified for are unpaid, something that is ill suited for someone trying to jumpstart a life. Unfortunately, making money is the only way to keep going in this crazy world. Some would say in the digital age, there are ample jobs for creative types, or at least more than there used to be. However, it’s difficult to sift through everything out there for just one that will give you a chance over hundreds of other applicants. It’s so hard to know how you can make yourself stand out from the rest in a resume, references, and experience. I suppose we all just have to put our best foot forward and hope someone out there will take notice.
This entire process can be extremely nerve-racking and at many times unrewarding. However there is an important lesson for us in this time of struggle. Even if you apply to a hundred jobs, it doesn’t matter that you don’t get ninety-nine of them, you only need one company to say yes to you. Although I’m not there yet, I know that I have to keep working towards my goals and never stop until I get there because there is no other way to achieve. Even when you’re exhausted and want to give up, don’t because hard work will always pay off in the end.